Yeskindo Noormimiz

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Yeskindo Noormimiz is an addon track created by skindoormimiz, known for its huge length. It was first introduced for testing on May 4, 2020, and became an official addon two days later.


The name of the track is built using the words "yes", "no", and splitted "skindoormimiz".


While the default race length usually varies between 1 minute 30 seconds and 2 minutes 30 seconds, a typical lap time of this track is about 3 minutes 40 seconds, which is even more than the lap time of icycave_test31 and Icy Cave. The default number of laps is of course 1. Reverse direction is impossible to choose.

The track is most suitable for heavy karts and consists of 21 parts, each part corresponding to one of 20 first tracks by the same creator, which are listed below this paragraph. This means the track lacks a uniform style, but makes it an ultimate challenge of different skills (though with specific influence of skindoormimiz' style).

The track shown from above
  1. The track starts and finished with Twisted Library part, chronologically the first track that had no major problems. One should collect nitros and avoid possible crashes at the start, because the distance from the grid to the first turn is really small.
  2. Then the Pinguino Square part follows, happily without the ending of famous ramp of that track. Be careful and don't hit another part of track while flying from the Twisted Library part, and save nitro to use it when the track starts going up.
  3. Nasty Void part is what goes next, containing the difficult cut part. The cut itself is even more difficult than in the original track.
  4. Dry Sand part has a few nitros, and a few items at the end. One needs NOT to pick the center item because it will lead to problems later, better go a bit to the left or right. Also a skip to the end of Rock Stadium section can be used by going to the right, but it is pretty hard and landing after the checkline is possible.
  5. Then Rock Stadium section goes, players need to land properly, going not too much to the right or left, neither going straight. Also some nitro should be saved in order to accelerate properly after the landing. In the end, it's a good idea to go a bit to the right on zipper because that's the direction of the road later.
  6. Then a controversial Color Road part follows, starting with a flat part, where players should avoid bananas and preferably take the big nitro. This is decided by the kart location on the previous part's zipper, though. The second half of the part is painted as most of Color Road track and is skippable because it leads to a flat Four Paths part and it is possible to get onto it jumping from the flat half of this part.
  7. Four Paths part follows, again consisting of flat and non-flat parts. The flat part has a huge amount of powerups, probably the fastest way is to pick two big nitros avoiding a banana after, but during a normal race it may be better to try to get a zipper. The second half is a 2nd part of the original track, probably cuttable but it's really, really hard to do and there are doubts whether this saves time. This part ends with a zipper, to achieve a perfect time in the next part, the kart should be placed on the right side, directed like 45° to the right.
  8. The next part represents the starting part of Twisted Library 2, including a 45° tilted alternative path. Going right from the zipper will save time, but this way walls or a banana can be hit, so be careful. Also there is a danger of falling off the track or onto the Four Paths part at the end. After the part karts are carried to the next part using a long long cannon so players can chat or just rest during that time.
  9. The following part is the part of Shipyard Tower after the cannon (again!). There is a cut which is doable by using thin karts like Emule, Sara the Racer or Sara the Wizard.
  10. It transforms into the last turn and start-finish straight of Zejumio where probably the time-trial zipper should be applied, but different options are possible. Most likely, there are no skips here (except if someone managed to make a long long jump to Rhomboor section, but a checkline is making it even more complicated).
  11. Then a player sees U-shaped Twisted Library 3 part, where players should pay attention to sand slowdowns (and save a bit of nitro beforehand to accelerate faster) and a banana. When going back, the most reliable path is the leftmost, as one needs nothing to stay on track, while two other paths require a correct usage of track zippers.
  12. Then it's Rhomboor part's turn, featuring a 495° loop around Rhomboor (without Rhomboor itself though). While it is hard itself, it should be noted that if someone makes a mistake in this part and goes off to USC74 part, he cannot continue from there and should use rescue, otherwise a checkline is missed.
  13. USC74 part follows, though in the original track this part is avoidable. Sometimes the transition between Rhomboor and USC74 parts is not smooth, in which case the lap is failed, congratulations. One needs to complete fully at least the first several turns of this part, as they contain a checkline, denoted by powerups (as in the USC74 itself). The last two 'S'-shaped corners are relatively easily cuttable, but it should be trained a bit in order to not fall.
  14. The track then becomes Leaf Clouds part with innovative straight part that goes up and down. The most important thing here is to pick all three small nitros, and not to fall when flying to the next part...
  15. ...which is Hello, not the most difficult part of the track, but still be careful with bananas and walls.
  16. Then players meet the starting section of Twisted Library 4, where it's a bit difficult to take a small nitro between bananas while flying. Also it's possible to mess up here hitting the wall or the sand between left and right parts of the track, taking a big nitro which leads to nothing, or not taking some small nitros that actually require some risk of hitting the wall.
  17. The previous part's zipper leads us to Pipe Track section, where the tube is the only dangerous part. Five small nitros are really important, as well as keeping the kart on the driveline.
  18. Then the Mod Circuit follows, though without grass maintaining the speed. It's still important to take a big nitro while not falling.
  19. Sweet Cake part is the next one, having one circular driveline, at least without that strange curve. Contains a checkline.
  20. The previous part ends with a Mod Circuit's bridge. It's preferred to be on the right side while transferring to this part, so that the kart doesn't hit the wall of the bridge. There is a cut, first introduced by mv81 and therefore being called "mv cut", possible before this part, if the kart flies out of Sweet Cake part to the end of Quiet Breeze part, but this cut is difficult.
  21. The lap gets to its end through Quiet Breeze part, which has many nitros and items. It's important to be careful enough to no fall off, though. Then the cannon moves the kart to the Twisted Library section again, where, as in the original track, one needs to carefully move down (preferrably using saved nitro) and avoid bananas while going through a zipper.

In general, it's quite difficult to complete a lap in Yeskindo Noormimiz track without mistakes because of its length and difficult certain parts.

Notable events

A crazy player once did 100 laps time trial on this track with some time breaks, which took 6 hours, 26 minutes and 01.365 seconds. This time is improvable, though. Also a video recording was made but it appeared to be broken.
