Addons Ranked
Addons Ranked is a STK server located in New York. It is Ranked.
Addons Ranked was created in Spetember 2019, called "IPv6 Ranked" there. In February 2020, it got renamed to its current name "Addons Ranked".
Sometimes the server is down, when there are not so many players playing Ranked.
Special features
Addons Ranked is one of the Ranked servers that allows playing particular addons:
- Beam Runner
- beehive (beta)
- Bovine Barnyard
- Canyon 42
- China
- Extreme Dimension
- Green Hill
- Green Valley
- High in the Sky
- Kapman Island Resort
- Lake Ikeal
- Lost Chasm
- Nitro island
- Nostalgia
- Origami Animosity
- Paradise Peaks
- Terabite
- The Island
- Tux Tollway
- Voxel Village
Addons Ranked often is called a good server in terms of lags, especially for Americans. However, there are also players complaining about server problems on it, like FabianF.