Difference between revisions of "List of STK karts"

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(update until Formula)
(check and complete karts until lynx)
Line 48: Line 48:
* [[Old Wilber]]
* [[Old Wilber]]
* [[Pumpjinn]]
* [[Pumpjinn]]
* [[Scavenger]]
* [[Spice]]
* [[Spice]]
* [[Transmission]]
* [[Transmission]]
Line 143: Line 144:
* [[FB1]]
* [[FB1]]
* [[Ferrari delle corse]]
* [[Ferrari delle corse]]
* [[Ferrari LaFerrari]]
* [[Fiona The Cat]]
* [[Fiona The Cat]]
* [[Fire Tux]]
* [[Fire Tux]]
* [[Firefox]]
* [[Firefox]]
* [[Formula]]
* [[Formula]]
* [[Formula]]
* [[Formula car]]
* [[Formula car]]
* [[FR-Bullet]]
* [[Framanouille]]
* [[Framanouille]]
* [[Freestyle]]
* [[Fresh Super Touring]]
* [[Fresh-Touring]]
* [[FurCorn]]
* [[FurCorn]]
* [[G-Lux]]
* [[G-Lux]]
* [[G-Lux Custom]]
* [[G-Lux Custom]]
* [[G-Power 392]]
* [[G-Power 392 Motorsport]]
* [[Geeko]]
* [[Geeko]]
* [[Gigas]]
* [[Golf GTI]]
* [[Golf GTI]]
* [[GolfGTI]]
* [[GolfGTI]]
* [[Gooey]]
* [[Gooey]]
* [[Gopher Kart]]
* [[Gopher Kart]]
* [[Grain]]
* [[Green Konqi the First]]
* [[GRS Beetle]]
* [[GuinoVan]]
* [[Gumus v1]]
* [[Gumus v2]]
* [[Harpoon]]
* [[Hexley (Wilber's kart)]]
* [[Hexley (Wilber's kart)]]
* [[Hisser]]
* [[Hogger]]
* [[Hogger]]
* [[Hydra]]
* [[Hydra]]
* [[IceCrusher]]
* [[Icy]]
* [[Icy]]
* [[Import]]
* [[Import RT-X]]
* [[Inky]]
* [[Inky]]
* [[Iron Eagle]]
* [[Jalapeno]]
* [[Jalapeno]]
* [[Jetbus 3+ SDD facelift]]
* [[Joe]]
* [[Joe]]
* [[kartbt]]
* [[Katie]]
* [[Katie]]
* [[Kimetsu no Tux]]
* [[Kitty]]
* [[Kitty]]
* [[Konqo]]
* [[Konqo]]
* [[Kristi's Train!]]
* [[Lamborghini LP400]]
* [[Lamborghini LP400]]
* [[LaVeloce]]
* [[LaVeloce]]
* [[Leroy's]]
* [[Lightning]]
* [[Link]]
* [[Low Poly Red]]
* [[Low Poly Red]]

Revision as of 16:19, 11 November 2022

Official karts


