Track: At the top of the volcano
Mode: normal
Direction: normal
Laps: 10
1 | nascartux | 1'44.8867" | 1 | nascartux | 1'44.8867" | 2 | RowdyJoe | 1'51.1750" | 2 | RowdyJoe | 1'51.1750" | 3 | remihb | 1'51.8110" | 3 | remihb | 1'51.8110" | 4 | darkone | 1'51.9192" | 4 | darkone | 1'51.9192" | 5 | remihb | 1'51.9637" | 5 | nimeye | 1'52.2707" | 6 | nimeye | 1'52.2707" | 6 | jsimo | 1'52.8979" | 7 | jsimo | 1'52.8979" | 8 | remihb | 1'54.1813" | 9 | jsimo | 1'54.9061" | 10 | remihb | 1'55.8238" | 11 | RowdyJoe | 1'56.8560" | 7 | Haenschen | 1'57.6381" | 12 | Haenschen | 1'57.6381" | 8 | spockk | 1'57.8535" | 13 | spockk | 1'57.8535" | 9 | KeViN008 | 1'58.5050" | 14 | KeViN008 | 1'58.5050" | 15 | nimeye | 1'59.3065" | 16 | nimeye | 1'59.3231" | 10 | RX1 | 1'59.3494" | 17 | RX1 | 1'59.3494" | 18 | spockk | 1'59.8250" | 19 | nimeye | 2'00.8245" | 20 | Roctane | 2'00.8395" | 11 | Roctane | 2'00.8395" | 12 | Zirkle | 2'01.0859" | 21 | Zirkle | 2'01.0859" | 13 | George-Calibur | 2'01.3747" | 22 | George-Calibur | 2'01.3747" | 23 | remihb | 2'01.6487" | 14 | Mari0n | 2'01.8078" | 24 | Mari0n | 2'01.8078" | 15 | boxxx | 2'02.5535" | 25 | boxxx | 2'02.5535" | 26 | remihb | 2'02.7525" | 27 | nimeye | 2'02.7987" | 16 | braxx | 2'03.0997" | 28 | braxx | 2'03.0997" | 29 | braxx | 2'03.2123" | 30 | RowdyJoe | 2'03.4118" | 17 | Sabko | 2'03.8407" | 18 | DC1RJJ | 2'04.3225" | 19 | mimiz | 2'05.0730" | 20 | TwoEyedMike | 2'05.4520" | 21 | Rubini0666 | 2'06.7361" | 22 | FabianF | 2'08.6730" | 23 | sam-gq | 2'09.0383" | 24 | kimden | 2'11.7459" | 25 | nomagno | 2'12.6203" | 26 | ToXoR | 2'13.0408" | 27 | debianbullseye | 2'13.6567" | 28 | wakama123 | 2'15.0551" | 29 | raven55 | 2'16.6914" | 30 | LLS | 2'17.0992" | |